About this session
Today’s businesses rely heavily on teams. Increasingly, executive teams are going online as remote, “virtual teams.” That trend has been amplified greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Online teaming has its unique challenges, especially in the dynamics of decision-making. Some special quirks of human decision-making arise and must be managed to assure that decisions taken in remote meetings are “real decisions.”
In this presentation, you will learn about a unique framework for understanding behavioral styles of thinking and deciding and illustrations of how to use the framework in leading remote and online teams. As a preparation for this session, we invite you to complete the free scientific assessment made available to you and your team for a limited time due to the Coronavirus epidemic. Please visit www.MomentumForTeams.com and start learning about our styles of decision-making profile.
- Improve your team’s decision-making quality
- Learn the science of decision-making in teams
- Avoid decision making blind spots and differentiate public “role styles” from private “operating styles.”
- Discover how to use style insights to boost team buy-in.
- Recognize and manage the impact of stresses and pressures on decision-making.
- Identify the special requirements for the “really big,” strategic decisions.
Ken Brousseau, CEO of Decision Dynamics LLC
Armin Pajand, Academic Director of Leadership Development Programs at Rice University's Glasscock School of Continuing Studies and Managing Partner for Integro Partners
Friday, May 8, 2020
12:00 PM CT
Live Webinar
Ken Brousseau & Armin Pajand
Presented By About Ken Brousseau & Armin Pajand
Dr. Ken Brousseau, CEO of Decision Dynamics LLC, and Armin Pajand, Academic Director of Leadership Development Programs at Rice University's Glasscock School and Managing Partner for Integro Partners, are experts in decision-making and team dynamics.