About this session
Companies are struggling to find the right people and should be lining up to interview you. You’re driven and dedicated in every role that you take on. You’re well educated and have plenty of work experience (paid or unpaid). So why is it so hard for you to re-enter the workforce? International Coaching Federation career coach and founder of Parents Pivot, Anna McKay, asked herself that same question.
In this session Anna will share some great tips for returning to paid work after a chosen career pause. She will help you face the anxieties and position yourself better for the current job market and carve out a new career identify.
Anna McKay, founder of Parent’s Pivot
Friday, December 3, 2021
12:00 PM CT
Live Webinar
Anna McKay
Presented By Anna McKay
Anna McKay is the founder of Parent’s Pivot. She’s on a mission to help women find careers they love after pausing for parenthood or returning from maternity leave. She enjoys helping clients of all levels build confidence and hone their leadership style. An ICF certified coach since 2008, Anna is also a certified practitioner for MBTI and EQi.