About this session
Professor Stein will discuss steps states and local governments are taking to make voting safe in the upcoming November Presidential election. He will report on recent surveys of Harris County voters and poll workers and their preferences for where and when to cast their ballots. His presentation will discuss recent challenges to mail-assisted voting by the State of Texas, the Republican Party and President Trump.
Robert Stein, Ph.D., Lena Gohlman Professor of Political Science
Friday, June 12, 2020
12:00 PM CT
Live Webinar
Robert Stein
Presented By Rob Stein
Robert Stein is the Lena Gohlman Professor of Political Science. He has taught at Rice since 1979 and served as Department Chair, Faculty Director, Center for Civic Leadership and Dean, School of Social Sciences. His research on voting behavior and election administration has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, The Arnold Foundation and Rice University’s COVID-19 Initiative. Stein served on the research staff of the 2005 Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform and 2012 Presidential Commission on Election Administration.